Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Planning for Hazards_Module 11

Planning for Hazards_Module 11

Q Topic: Using an example from outside the United States, describe how planners are working to promote community resilience from disasters resulting from climate change. This assignment is worth 100 points. To earn full credit, you must reply to at least three of your classmates' posts. Your original post is due Sunday, November 4th. Your responses are due Sunday, November 10th. Your responses are due by November 17th. Please be advised that you must create a thread in order to view other threads in this forum. This assignment links to Module objectives 1-2. The following requirements must be met to ensure full credit for this Module's discussion: • Post an original submission by the due date. • Ensure that postings are detailed responses relating to course and/or chapter content. • Read and respond to at least 2 other students' posts with a substantive response. • Indicate the name of the other student you commented on within your response. • State your position on whether you agree or disagree with your colleagues' statements. • Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected. • Adhere to the most recent APA/MLA standards and use APA/MLA guidelines to cite references.

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Community is a vast case of many relationships where there are networks formed by people and relationships between them. It is a unit that can be joined for belonging or identity or often the identity and the bond can be related to the geographical identity as well. Community has a power or capacity to come together during the time. The community by the virtue of its resources can absorb a lot of disturbance. The capacity to which the structure can stand different turbulences is called resilience (Nozhati et al, 2019). Resilience can be seen as an elaborate structure. The resilience actually consists of three subsystems.